A unique and wonderful collection of photographs and postcards document my family history before, during, and after WW II. During the Great Depression years writing was their means of communication, film recorded the events—their version of e.mail and digital photography, which came so naturally. This exposure to photography, graphics, and communication began before my 10th birthday, and in December 1957 I received a special surprise from Santa—thus began my initial photographic experiences with my own camera. Even before that time I enjoyed and was exploring drawing and other forms of art. My study of architecture in college included art, sculpture, graphics, and art history. I was fortunate that my service tour of duty included 5 years in Europe—a most significant and influential time in my life.

Drawing, painting, printmaking, and photography are most pleasurable experiences. The creativity and technical aspects eternally challenge individuals and the resulting creations that range from humiliating to breathtaking are addictive. It is a most personal experience for an artist—sensual in ways that communicate deep inner feelings and expose one’s inner self, maybe the soul, of both artist and viewer.

© 2019 Mikeual Perritt